
Ticketmaster goes (RED) for World AIDS Day

Ticketmaster staff members throughout New Zealand and Australia proudly wore (RED) on December 1 to raise much needed funds and awareness of HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day.

Ticketmaster’s parent company, Live Nation, teamed with (RED) for the campaign, which aims to fight for an AIDS-free generation. Each Live Nation and Ticketmaster office around the world was encouraged to take part with the company donating $146 for each employee who wore red and posted a message on social media.

In Australasia alone, more than $20,000 was donated. The $146 donation represents live-saving medicine for a sufferer of HIV/AIDS for one year. That equates to just 40 cents a day.

Globally, Ticketmaster and Live Nation employees raised an incredible amount of money and awareness for (RED) Nation. Thousands of staff members across 27 countries in six continents donned the (RED) with Live Nation donating $150,000.

Ticketmaster and Live Nation, both locally and globally, are fully committed to philanthropic endeavours. Staff members are actively encouraged to support charities and the local offices throughout New Zealand and Australia all participate in various fundraisers throughout a year from morning teas to fun runs.

The (RED) Nation campaign was embraced wholly by the Ticketmaster offices in New Zealand and Australia with staff members selling red ribbons and fundraising within the office. The sea of red that filled the social accounts of our staff members will go a long way to raise awareness of World AIDS Day and help to achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation.